OCCA COVID-19 Dashboard

The Orange County Classical Academy is committed to providing accurate and transparent information regarding COVID-19 cases on our campus, while also maintaining privacy and confidentiality for our students and staff. The data below represents the number of current confirmed COVID-19 cases among students and staff on our campus (in-person instruction only). This data will be updated regularly and as cases are confirmed.

Current Confirmed Student Cases: 6

Current Confirmed Staff Cases: 3


It is going to take a concerted effort to keep our students, staff and families safe. In addition to health and safety measures taken on our campus, we encourage families to be proactive and to reinforce the importance of hand-washing, physical distancing and face coverings to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Also, if a member of your household tests positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results, please keep your child at home and notify the school. If your child has any symptoms associated with the coronavirus, make sure they stay home and get tested if necessary.

Anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should remain at home in isolation for a minimum of 10 days plus at least 24 hours after the resolution of fever (without fever-reducing medication) and improvement of other symptoms. A doctor’s note will be required to return to school. Finally, keep children home when they are sick. OCCA staff will maintain confidentiality and protect student privacy, following all FERPA protocols.

Information and CDC guidelines are ever changing. As such, information on our website is subject to change. Please contact the main office for the most current COVID-19 information.


For additional questions about the coronavirus, visit the Orange County Health Care Agency website, which also includes a COVID-19 health line https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/.

Please continue checking Parent Square, which has been providing school information. Also, please review the detailed OCCA’s Health & Safety Reopening Plan.

OCCA’s top priority is to provide a high-quality education while maintaining the health and safety of students and staff.

Testing Resources in Orange County

OC COVID-19 Testing Super Sites

OC COVID-19 Testing Network for Those With Symptoms

OC COVID-19 Testing Locations Map